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The Art of Bandhej…tying the knots of true love
Believed to have started in Gujarat, the art of bandhej involves making a number of tight knots along a fabric in a set pattern. Tying these knots is a slow process – it needs to be done with love, care and a lot of patience…just like when you're building a new relationship.

The knotted cloth is then dyed in a different colour. When tied strongly enough, these knots don’t allow the dye to seep into the knotted fabric – leaving them in their original colour while the rest of the fabric changes to a beautiful newly dyed colour. Similarly, as your relationship grows, it gets tried and tested by tough circumstances, but with the knots of love tied so securely, these circumstances only give it a richer hue.

And finally, the process is over, the knots are freed, the fabric is opened out, and what you see before you is very simply…mesmerizing!

A true relationship of love also, shows its depth, richness and beauty, only when you set it free from expectations, conditions and constraints. And then that love that you experience is simply…mesmerizing!

Celebrating love, celebrating Indian craftsmanship!

Happy Valentine’s Day from The Handicraft Studio.


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